
1.An Introduction to the 7 Most Common Sofa Styles

Sofa styles have evolved over the years. Its uses are numerous - you can have a glamorous piece that instantly changes the look of your living room or you can have a cosy seat which can also serve as a reading nook. So if you're about to go sofa shopping in the near future, take a look at the seven most common sofa styles and pick one which suits your needs.

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2.Design Tips for Flexible Space

We all want a little more space when it comes to our homes. However, with cities continuing to expand and becoming more crowded, living spaces are becoming smaller. And making the most out of a small apartment has become a challenge.

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3.Six Décor Must-Haves in Your Home

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to home decor. But where do you start? Like a blank slate or a fresh page, it’s hard to come up with one idea to start executing.

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